Hollister Secure Start services
We are here for you !
Do you use urinary probes for the management of the bladder?
The Hollister Secure services Start will help you!
We will provide you with the samples you need and help you get the most out of your insurance coverage so that you get the quality products you deserve.
Register now and you will be paired with a Start Secure Services Coordinator who will help you find solutions with challenges you may face, in particular by finding the right products through sampling, product training, reimbursement products, the location of assistance resources and the location of a retailer.

We will help you determine if you are eligible for reimbursement continence products.
Your options may include:
- Private insurance
- Public/Government
- Workers' compensation
- Veterans affairs
- Car
- Unfortunate health services program
We will help you facilitate the reimbursement process, for example:
- Letter of recommendation (order)
- Form location and filling
- Call 3
- and more