How to carry out catheterization by probe in men
Here are the steps to follow to empty your bladder with a probe. Our explanatory video shows you step by step how to do the best way.
Here is a summary of the different stages
- Start by washing your hands carefully with water and soap.
- Check the equipment you will need before starting catheterization.
1- Adapted Charrière probe
2- Neutral pH soap
3- possibly compresses - Remove the label on the sticker tablet of the packaging and stick it on a clean and smooth surface so as to hang the packaging vertically and make it accessible when you are ready to catheterize.
- Open the packaging gently by revealing only the connector
- Undict yourself to access your penis easily. You can prove yourself standing in front of the toilet or sitting on your preferences and capacities.
- You must toilet your glans carefully by pulling your foreskin backwards and keep decalotté and avoid any contact with the skin or clothes.
- Remove the packaging probe.
*Be careful that the probe does not touch anything. If there is contact with an object or your clothing, please throw it away and use a new one. - Return your penis by pulling it slightly upwards.
- Lightly compress the glans to open the urethral meatus.
- Stay relaxed and gently insert the probe into the urethra according to the instructions given to you.
- Continue the insertion of the probe until it reaches the bladder and the urine begins to flow. Push it for a few more centimeters.
- When the flow stops, straighten up to make sure the bladder is completely empty.
- Remove the probe slowly.
- You can throw the probe and its packaging in the trash.
* Do not throw to the toilet - Wash your hands again.
The survey must be carried out only on medical advice and strictly according to the indications of the attending physician or the nurse (era). You must carefully read the product instructions instructions before use.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.